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What Are the Benefits of Wearing Scleral Lenses to Relieve Dry Eyes

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Dry eye syndrome is nowhere near a rare phenomenon. About 5 million Americans over the age of 50 suffer from this irritating condition, complaining of itchy, stinging or painful eyes. The most common go-to for relief is usually artificial tears eye drops, but their effects are only temporary. For an alternative treatment that brings long-lasting relief, our eye doctors in Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach recommend scleral lenses for many patients. Our practice offers comprehensive scleral lenses fittings to ensure a perfect fit.

How do scleral lenses alleviate dry eye symptoms?

There are many benefits of scleral lenses for dry eyes, which often make them a better choice for patients than soft contact lenses. Let’s look at why:

  • Constant Moisturizing – scleral lenses are constructed in a way that leaves a gap between the eye surface and the lens, which is filled with a lubricating saline solution that constantly hydrates the eye.
  • Healthy Materials – sclerals are made from high-oxygen permeable materials that promote healthy corneas. Modern materials also improve wettability of the lenses and minimize irritating protein deposits.
  • No Corneal Rubbing – because they vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera (as opposed to soft lenses), scleral lenses don’t cause corneal irritation. Also, blinking causes your eyelids to rub against your cornea. But when wearing sclerals, a protective shield is formed between your eyes and eyelids.
  • Less Eye Drops – the need for applying lubricating eye drops throughout the day is minimized. But if necessary, eye drops can still be used to enhance comfort at night after removing scleral lenses.
  • Clear Vision with More Comfort – sclerals provide crisp vision as they protect and lubricate eyes. Redness and painful dry eye symptoms are reduced or eliminated.

Do dry eyes prevent you from wearing contact lenses, disturbing your daily life with painful eye irritation? Visit our eye doctor in Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach to discuss the benefits of scleral lenses and to book a scleral lenses fitting.

At Advanced Eyecare Center, we put your family's needs first. Talk to us about how we can help you maintain healthy vision. Call us today: 310-620-1345 or book an appointment online to see one of our Manhattan Beach eye doctors.

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